Lava Hot Springs Idaho Events
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February 1@7:00 pm-9:30 pm

The Lava Community & Senior Center, 150 N. Center, Lava Hot Springs, ID
- Build Community
- Meet your neighbors
- Learn something new
- Get some great exercise
- Have fun!
- Anyone who can listen, follow simple instructions, walk, and count to eight to a musical beat should come and enjoy this event
- Dance to live music
Caller/Instructor: Mike Cottle from Salt Lake City
What should I bring?
- Comfortable shoes
- Layered clothes
- A positive attitude
- Your sense of fun
What’s not necessary?
- Previous experience (all dances and moves are taught and called)
- A partner (it is typical in this dance form to change partners frequently)
How much does it cost?
- $10 per person / $25 per family
Need more info? or 208-776-5569 or
Join Pocatello Second Saturday Contra Dance Facebook group